"Assimilated... kekeke. Do you believe you are able to assimilate me! I'll take your power for myself!"\n\n"However, this might be interesting. Match me with the battle of wits if you think it is possible!"\n\n[["I'd rather not."|StageSelect]]\n[[Accept!|witch6]]
Bell jangles somewhere in the distance.\n\nAt the top of you witch in an instant! She had nearly the same teleport ... She brandished her wand candy cane.\n\n"What are you doing in my kingdom?"\n\n[["I am here to look around."|lookaround]]\n[["I'm Assimilagent from the Hive Planet. Would you be assimilated?"|witch5]]
"Very good! Now try this next! Do you have it in your legs as fast as your brain?"\n\nThe witch fires deadly bolts of lightning!\n\n[[Assimilate now!|assimilate]]\n[[No way! I beat her fairly!|witch8]]
"Then tell me! What is the alchemical symbol for gold?"\n\n[["Uh..."|lose]]\n<<if $scientist eq true>>[["How ridiculous, alchemy does not exist!"|lose]]<<else>> <<endif>>\n<<if $librarian eq true>>[["I know it from a long time... I'll draw it for you."|witch7]]<<else>> <<endif>>
You will be taken to the hideout of witches.\n\nIt is made entirely of candy! Is this really the world... You really begin to feel as if you were in a fairy tale.\n\n[[A bad fairy tale, where witches eat children.|witch2]]\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>>
div#playerControl label {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\nspan.blInfo {\n color: white;\n}\nspan.blHorror {\n color: #796a4f;\n}\nspan.blHero {\n color: #ef58d1;\n}
Though you have a bad feeling, it looks like a pleasant little house...\n\nThe walls are made entirely of gingerbread, window frame is icing pipe. Slab of chocolate is laying on top of the roof, flowers sprouting from grass jelly of sweet grass.\n\nYou walk along the path that has been set for you to gate made ​​of pretzels.\n\n[[Open the gate|witch4]]
You notices the woods on the west side, and the house, a little to the north, composed of baked goods, is located near the gurgling stream of lemonade.\n\n[[Explore the forest|forest1]]\n[[Go to the house by the stream|witch3]]
div#passageStageSelect div.content {\n width: 425px;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n}\n\ndiv.block {\n padding: 0;\n display: inline-block;\n width: 135px;\n height: 135px;\n}\n\ndiv.stage {\n background-color: black;\n background-image: url("resources/frame2.png");\n cursor: crosshair;\n}\n\ndiv.complete {\n cursor: default !important;\n}\n\ndiv.notReady {\n cursor: not-allowed !important;\n}\n\nimg.boss {\n margin: 18px;\n width: 98px;\n height: 96px;\n}\n\ndiv#stageName {\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 200%;\n margin-top: 1em;\n}
You extend the assimilation tube from the back of your neck.\n\n"Kekeke... like this, we'll become [[even stronger.|witch10]]"
With extreme speed, your talent by hivequeen, you dodge the lightning to you!\n\n"Very good! You are a fine warrior actually..."\n\n"I am Astra. My mind has been changed. [[I'll lend you my power.|witch9]]"
\n<html>\n <img id="titleImage" src="http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/assimilagent.png" />\n</html>\n\n[[Press Start|Story]]\n\n<<silently>>\n<<animateStart "Story">>\n<<set $playerHealth = 100>>\n<<audioLoop "typing" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/CT-01" 1450>>\n<<audioLoop "stageselect" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/stageselect-looped" 324000>>\n<<audioLoop "roar" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/CT-05" -1>>\n<<audioLoop "credits" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/credits" -1>>\n<<audioLoop "powerup" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/powerup" -1>>\n<<audioLoop "boss" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/boss" 180000>>\n<<audioLoop "laugh" "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/laugh" -1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "MEGA MAN series" 50>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "dating sims" 50>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "vintage bootleg games" 50>>\n<<timedinsert 3>><<teletype "the BORG" 50>>\n<<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "INSPIRATION" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<creditImage "resources/tempest.png">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "Copyright" 15>>
<<centreText "YOU GOT" "bigText">>\n<<centreImage "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/stagecomplete.gif">>\n<<fadeIn "$powerUp" "bigText">>\n<<playAudio "powerup">>
Monster is weak now!\n\nWhat will you do?\n\n[[Destruction|destruction]]\n[[Assimilate|assimilation]]\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>><<endBattle>>
Called the power of the Crystal Warrior, you fire a laser blast full in the core of your monster.\n\nIt has been defeated...\n\nSave hivequeen, you are getting a lot of powerful new ally.\n\nNow, together, the threat was defeated, you are free to explore the universe...\n\nAnd... each other...\n\n[[THE END|CreditsConcept]]\n<<set $ending = "destruction">>
[[THE END|CreditsConcept]]\n\n<<playAudio "roar">>\n<<set $ending = "assimilate">>
"Impossible! I'm not kidding! I can't become one with filthy scum like you!"\n\n<<timedgoto "StageSelect" 5 >>
<<set $powerUp = "NINJA KUNAI">><<display PowerUp>>\n\n<<set $librarian = true>>\n\n[[TRY NEXT STAGE|StageSelect]]
"Then, you'd better leave!"\n\n"Please take care..."\n\n<<timedgoto "StageSelect" 5 >>
You are... [[powerful|assimilate4]]...
<<set $powerUp = "CRYSTAL DEFENDER">><<display PowerUp>>\n\n<<set $crystal = true>>\n\n[[TRY NEXT STAGE|StageSelect]]
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "CAPCOM (MEGA MAN)" 25>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "HECTOR (MOON CRYSTAL)" 25>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "NTDEC/ASDER (SAN GUO ZHI: QUN XIONG ZHENG BA)" 25>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "SEGA (ALTERED BEAST)" 25>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "SQUARE CO. (CHRONO TRIGGER)" 25>>\n<<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "AUDIO" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<creditImage "resources/tempest.png">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "CreditInspiration" 15>>
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"This place is classified! You can't enter! Bad! Bad!"\n\n<<timedgoto "StageSelect" 5 >>
<<centreImage "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/endlessscroll.gif">>\nFinally, with all the powers of girls, you're ready to confront it.\n\n[[The Endless Horror...|Battle]]\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>>
<<set $powerUp = "WITCH BEAM">><<display PowerUp>>\n\n<<set $witch = true>>\n\n[[TRY NEXT STAGE|StageSelect]]
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "Spanglypants" 75>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "RIKA" 75>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "GAME CONCEPT" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "CreditsProgram" 10>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/credits.mp3">><<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/credits.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:0,revision:0};macros["timedgoto"]={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){var t=c[c.length-1];\nvar d=d.fullArgs();d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""){if(this.timer){clearTimeout(this.timer);\n}var s=state.history[0].passage.title;this.timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a);\n}},(parseInt(t)||0)*500);}}};
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "Spanglypants" 75>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "RIKA" 75>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "SQUARE CO." 75>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "CAPCOM" 75>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "FoxRichards/DEVIANTART" 75>>\n<<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "ART ELEMENT" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<creditImage "resources/tempest.png">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "CreditMusicElements" 15>>
You complete the transmission of data. Astra's body fall to the ground.\n\n[[Her soul and power will be added to yours...|witchend]]
Heart of the monster! It is very powerful...\n\nYou will feel your world is expanding... Throbbing with the power of the monster.\n\nYou feel hivequeen to accept your gift...\n\nYou complete the transmission of data. Your body fall to the void.\n\n[[Your soul and power will be added to the Endless Horror's...|assimilate3]]\n
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "RIKA" 75>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "PROGRAMMING" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<creditImage "resources/tempest.png">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "CreditsStory" 10>>
<<timedinsert 1>><<startAudioLoop "typing">><<teletype "Assimilagent 2/19 is sent here on a special mission from hivequeen." 75>>\n\n<<timedinsert 11>><<teletype "The threat of a new galaxy has emerged, cause hivequeen even in datapod to fear for her wisdom and eternity. Since you did not know hivequeen scared, you know that this mission is urgent." 50>>\n\n<<timedinsert 20>><<teletype "In order to stand a chance against this new threat, she needs more power. You are here in order to absorb the most powerful force that has been known and sapientkind. To provide unity in times of despair; to crush the rule of oppressors; to ward off a myriad of hopelessness, cruelty and, in the whole universe, the force is known." 50>>\n\n<<timedinsert 34>><<stopAudioLoop "typing">>[[Girls.|StageSelect]]\n\n<<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>><<endtimedinsert>>\n
You have never felt such a feeling...\n\nYou are floating in the infinite galaxy of stars...\n\nFeel yourself become one with Crystal Warrior...\n\nHer name resound in your head...\n\n[["I am... Fumaya..."|crystal6]]
<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "YOU ACHIEVED GREAT!!">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<centreImage "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/endlesshorror2.png">>\n<html><div id="creditsThankYou"></div></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "THANK YOU!! PLAY AGAIN" 100 "creditsThankYou">><<endtimedinsert>>
The ENDLESS HORROR has overpowered you.<<playAudio "laugh">>\n\n<<timedinsert 4>>But then a voice come, "No, we will lend us power to you."\n\nYou feel stronger.\n\nYou know you can win [[next time|StageSelect]]!\n<<set $playerHealth = Math.floor($playerHealth * 1.2) >>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>><<endBattle>>
<<display CreditsTemplate>>\n<<timedinsert 2>><<teletype "Spanglypants" 75>><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "STORY" 100 "creditsSectionTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<creditImage "resources/tempest.png">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedgoto "CreditArtElements" 10>>
You complete the transmission of data. Kasumi's body fall to the ground.\n\n[[Her soul and power will be added to yours...|librarianend]]
Soundtracks = {};\n(function(){\n var div = $("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg","mp3","wav","webm"];\n while(div) {\n var b=String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['"+q+"]([^"+q+"']*?)"+b+".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['"+q+"]";\n k(new RegExp(re,"gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n function k(c,e) {\n do {\n d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if(d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for(var i=-1;i<fe.length;i+=1) {\n if (i>=0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/"+d[2])) \n break;\n }\n if (i<fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src",d[1]+"."+d[2]);\n Soundtracks[d[1]]=a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '"+d[1]+"'");\n }\n }\n } while(d);\n }\n}());\nversion.extensions['soundMacros'] = {major:1, minor:0, revision:0};\nmacros['unloopsound']=macros['loopsound']=macros['pausesound']=macros['stopsound']=macros['playsound'] = {\n handler: function (a,b,c,d) {\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s=s.toString();\n var m = Soundtracks[s.slice(0,s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if(b=="playsound") { m.currentTime=0; m.play(); }\n else if (b=="loopsound") { \n if(m.loop==undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function(){this.currentTime = 0;this.play();};\n m.addEventListener('ended',m.loopfn,0);\n console.log("loop property absent");\n } else m.loop=true;\n m.currentTime=0; m.play(); \n }\n else if (b=="pausesound") { m.pause(); }\n else if (b=="unloopsound") { \n if (m.loop!=undefined){\n m.loop=false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended',m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n }\n else if (b=="stopsound") { m.pause(); m.currentTime=0; }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['stopallsound']={\n handler: function () {\n for(var j in Soundtracks) {\n try {\n var i=Soundtracks[j];\n i.pause();\n i.currentTime = 0;\n } catch (e) {\n }\n }\n }\n}
jQuery.fn.teletype = function(opts){\n var $this = this,\n defaults = {\n animDelay: 50\n },\n settings = jQuery.extend(defaults, opts);\n \n jQuery.each(settings.text.split(''), function(i, letter){\n setTimeout(function(){\n $this.html($this.html() + letter);\n }, settings.animDelay * i);\n });\n};\n
You wander close to the books.\n\nThen, sudden movement...!\n\n[[Scream|scream]]\n\n[[Stand your ground|librarian3]]
A figure appears above. Did not exist before the moment...\n\n"Halt! What are you doing here!!"\n\n[["I'm exploring the library."|librarian4]]\n[["I'm Assimilagent from the Hive Planet. Would you be assimilated?"|impossible]]
You will be taken to the hideout of librarians.\n\nIt is very quiet. No one to be seen. You are stuck around a lot of [[books|librarian2]] in all directions.\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>>
"I do not have any choice. I want to make the future of this world for the sake of knowledge."\n\n"I am Kasumi. [[Please, take me with you.|librarian7]]"\n
You extend the assimilation tube from the back of your neck.\n\n"It's powerful... [[so much data!|librarian8]]"
"This is a place of secret training of librarian ninja clan! Afraid that we must ask you to leave."\n\n[["Well, I guess that's fair."|StageSelect]]\n<<if $scientist eq true>>[["However, the library! A place of learning must be open to everyone! It's the rule of science!"|librarian5]]<<else>> <<endif>>
"I think... I never thought about it you're right."\n\n"The truth is, I want to create a library of free for everyone..."\n\n"But, the boss is contrary to it."\n\n"If you try to create something like that, I will be discharged from the clan of the librarian. I seek true knowledge... If not here, I wonder where to find it?"\n\n[["Come with me!"|librarian6]]
"This place is mine! Is not a children's playground and turn you into a mouse of sugar!"\n\nSeems to be that you will be assimilated... instead of the witch...\n\n[[Run!|StageSelect]]
<html>\n <div class="creditsThinLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsMidLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsThickLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsContent">\n <div id="creditsCopyrightTitle"></div>\n </div>\n <div class="creditsThickLineBottom"></div>\n <div class="creditsMidLineBottom"></div>\n <div class="creditsThinLineBottom"></div>\n</html>\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "PROGRAM COPYRIGHTS 1990 FAKESOFT" 100 "creditsCopyrightTitle">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<if $ending eq "destruction">><<timedgoto "Final" 15>><<else>><<timedgoto "FinalSecret" 15>><<endif>>
<html>\n <div class="creditsThinLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsMidLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsThickLineTop"></div>\n <div class="creditsContent">\n <div id="creditsSectionTitle"></div>\n </div>\n <div class="creditsThickLineBottom"></div>\n <div class="creditsMidLineBottom"></div>\n <div class="creditsThinLineBottom"></div>\n</html>
version.extensions['battleSystem'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 0,\n revision: 0\n};\nmacros['startBattle'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n BattleLog.start();\n\n TheHero.currentHp = state.history[0].variables["playerHealth"];\n \n TheBoss.prepareAttack();\n TheHero.updateHint();\n jQuery("#heroAttack").prop("disabled", true);\n \n TheBoss.showHealth(jQuery("#horrorHealth"));\n TheHero.showHealth(jQuery("#heroHealth"));\n }\n}\nmacros['endBattle'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n BattleLog.stop();\n }\n}
A long time ago... you remember, too, you, was considered a monster.\n\nThis creature is not very different from you. So... you can learn from it... maybe.\n\nYou extend the assimilation tube from the back of your neck.\n\n[["Please join with me."|assimilate2]]
Gently, Crystal Warrior floats down in front of your eyes.\n\nHer skin is made of pink gem completely, her hair is blowing in the wind around her.\n\nShe is naked, shows no shame.\n\n[[She has the power emitted.|crystal3]]
"You are doing well."\n\n"You have a lot of powerful allies. They will help you in this next fight."\n\n"It wishes to do so, too... here, you and I, [[go into the end of the universe.|crystal4]]"
<<if $scientist eq true AND $librarian eq true AND $witch eq true>>Crystal Cave of the Warrior... It is a beautiful place.\n\nYou have a bright and shining from every angle all the world around you. You feel a sense of immeasurable power of location.\n\nIndeed, the power of the warrior of crystal will help you to defeat the evil anonymous.\n\n[[Call to the Crystal Warrior|crystal2]]<<else>>You will be taken to the hideout of Crystal Warrior.\n\nThe world around you will begin to tremble violently. Crystal Warrior's power of the universe to protect this place.\n\n[[You can not enter yet.|StageSelect]]<<endif>>\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>>
You complete the transmission of data. Fumaya's body fall to the ground.\n\n[[Her soul and power will be added to yours...|crystalend]]
You extend the assimilation tube from the back of your neck.\n\nCrystal Warrior [[takes it in her hand|crystal5]]...
<<set $powerUp = "BRUISER FIST">><<display PowerUp>>\n\n<<set $scientist = true>>\n\n[[TRY NEXT STAGE|StageSelect]]
div.creditsThickLineTop {\n border-top: 10px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsMidLineTop {\n height: 3px;\n border-top: 5px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsThinLineTop {\n height: 3px;\n border-top: 3px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsThickLineBottom {\n border-bottom: 10px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsMidLineBottom {\n height: 3px;\n border-bottom: 5px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsThinLineBottom {\n height: 3px;\n border-bottom: 3px solid #ef58d1;\n }\n div.creditsContent {\n height: 120px;\n }\n div#creditsSectionTitle {\n margin-top: 32px;\n font-size: 400%;\n }\n div#creditsCopyrightTitle {\n display: block;\n margin-top: 64px;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 200%;\n }\n div#creditsThankYou {\n text-align: right;\n }\n
<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "YOU ACHIEVED GREAT!!">><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<centreImage "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/girlmorph2.png">>\n<html><div id="creditsThankYou"></div></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<teletype "THANK YOU!! PLAY AGAIN" 100 "creditsThankYou">><<endtimedinsert>>
@font-face {\n font-family: retro-font;\n src: url('resources/C64_User_v1.0-STYLE.ttf');\n}\n\nimg#titleImage {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n}\n\na#Story,\na#Story:hover {\n display:block;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 200%;\n}\n\ndiv.passage {\n font-family: retro-font;\n}\n\ndiv.passage a,\ndiv.passage a:hover,\ndiv.passage a:visited {\n color: #ef58d1;\n}\n\nimg.centredImage {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n}\ndiv.centredText {\n text-align: center;\n}\ndiv.bigText {\n font-size: 200%;\n}
version.extensions['gameMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 0,\n revision: 0\n};\nmacros['animateStart'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n macros['animateStart'].interval =\n setInterval(function() {\n var startTag = $(f[0]);\n if (startTag != null) {\n var currentColour = startTag.currentColour;\n var nextColour;\n if (currentColour == null || currentColour == "#ffffff") {\n nextColour = "#888888";\n } else if (currentColour == "#888888") {\n nextColour = "#111111";\n } else {\n nextColour = "#ffffff";\n }\n startTag.style.color = nextColour;\n startTag.currentColour = nextColour;\n }\n }, 40);\n }\n}\nmacros['stopStartAnimation'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n if (macros['animateStart'].interval != null) {\n clearInterval(macros['animateStart'].interval);\n macros['animateStart'].interval = null;\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['playAudio'] = {\n pendingIntervals: {},\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var audioTag = f[0];\n var tag = macros['audioLoop'].audioLoops[audioTag];\n if (tag == null) {\n console.log("Tried to play audio stream tagged \s'" + audioTag + "\s' without loading it.");\n return;\n }\n\n // Can we just play?\n if (tag.isReady) {\n tag.play();\n } else {\n // The audio wasn't loaded yet - we could do this a better way, but just to avoid a race condition\n // we're just going to poll\n macros['playAudio'].pendingIntervals[audioTag] = setInterval(function() {\n if (tag.isReady) {\n tag.play();\n clearInterval(macros['playAudio'].pendingIntervals[audioTag]);\n macros['playAudio'].pendingIntervals[audioTag] = null;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['startAudioLoop'] = {\n pendingIntervals: {},\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var audioTag = f[0];\n var tag = macros['audioLoop'].audioLoops[audioTag];\n if (tag == null) {\n console.log("Tried to play audio stream tagged \s'" + audioTag + "\s' without loading it.");\n return;\n }\n\n // Can we just play?\n if (tag.isReady) {\n tag.playLoop();\n } else {\n // The audio wasn't loaded yet - we could do this a better way, but just to avoid a race condition\n // we're just going to poll\n macros['startMusicLoop'].pendingIntervals[audioTag] = setInterval(function() {\n if (tag.isReady) {\n tag.playLoop();\n clearInterval(macros['startMusicLoop'].pendingIntervals[audioTag]);\n macros['startMusicLoop'].pendingIntervals[audioTag] = null;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['stopAudioLoop'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var audioTag = f[0];\n var tag = macros['audioLoop'].audioLoops[audioTag];\n if (tag != null) {\n tag.stopLoop();\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['audioLoop'] = {\n audioLoops: {},\n init: function() {\n HTMLAudioElement.prototype.playLoop = function() {\n // Easy - just create a normal interval as we've already done\n this.play();\n\n // Have to save "this" for the anon function\n var _self = this;\n this.interval = setInterval(function() {\n _self.currentTime = _self.resetTo;\n }, this.loopLen);\n }\n HTMLAudioElement.prototype.stopLoop = function() {\n clearInterval(this.interval);\n this.interval = null;\n this.pause();\n this.currentTime = 0;\n }\n },\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var audioTag = f[0];\n var audioSource = f[1];\n var loopLen = f[2];\n var restartAt = (f[3] > 0) ? f[3] : 0;\n\n var tag = document.createElement("audio");\n var source= document.createElement('source');\n if (tag.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;')) {\n source.type= 'audio/mpeg';\n source.src= audioSource + '.mp3';\n } else {\n source.type= 'audio/ogg';\n source.src= audioSource + '.ogg';\n }\n tag.appendChild(source);\n\n // And whether we can play or not\n tag.isReady = false;\n\n // Save the tag\n macros['audioLoop'].audioLoops[audioTag] = tag;\n\n tag.listener = function() {\n tag.isReady = true;\n tag.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', tag.listener);\n }\n tag.addEventListener('canplaythrough', tag.listener, true);\n\n // Save the loop info\n tag.audioTag = audioTag;\n tag.loopLen = loopLen;\n tag.resetTo = restartAt;\n\n // ahhahah - do this "in the background"\n setTimeout(function() {\n tag.load();\n }, 1);\n }\n}\nmacros['teletype'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n if (f[0] == null) {\n return;\n }\n var delayLen = (f[1] == null) ? 100 : f[1];\n\n // First we create a span to type into and add it to the document\n var ttSpan = insertElement(null, "span", null, "teletype");\n if (f[2] == null) {\n g.appendChild(ttSpan);\n } else {\n setTimeout(function() {\n $(f[2]).appendChild(ttSpan);\n }, 5);\n }\n\n jQuery(function(){\n jQuery(ttSpan).teletype({\n text: f[0],\n animDelay: delayLen\n });\n });\n\n }\n}\nmacros['centreImage'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var imageTag = insertElement(null, "img", null, "centredImage");\n imageTag.src = f[0];\n g.appendChild(imageTag);\n }\n}\nmacros['centreText'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var divTag = insertElement(null, "div", null, "centredText " + f[1]);\n divTag.textContent = f[0];\n g.appendChild(divTag);\n }\n}\nmacros['fadeIn'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var content;\n if (f[0].charAt(0) == '$') {\n content = state.history[0].variables[f[0].substring(1)];\n } else {\n content = f[0];\n }\n\n var divTag = insertElement(null, "div", null, "centredText " + f[1]);\n divTag.textContent = content;\n divTag.itteration = 0;\n divTag.style.opacity = 0;\n g.appendChild(divTag);\n\n macros['fadeIn'].interval =\n setInterval(function() {\n if (divTag.style.opacity >= 1) {\n clearInterval(macros['fadeIn'].interval);\n macros['fadeIn'].interval = null;\n } else {\n ++divTag.itteration;\n var val = Math.pow(Math.log(divTag.itteration), 3) / 300.0;\n divTag.style.opacity = (val > 0) ? val : 0;\n }\n }, 5);\n }\n}\nmacros['creditImage'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n $('creditsLeftImage').src = f[0];\n }, 5);\n }\n}
"Ughaaaaaaaaaa!"\n\nThe assimilation cord stretches into the witch's neck.\n\n"No! No!"\n\nHer struggles are damaging the data!\n\nYou can't go on this way... it's a failure.\n\n[[Retreat.|StageSelect]]
<<timedinsert 1>><<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/stageselect-looped.mp3">><<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/stageselect-looped.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<if $scientist neq true>><html><div class="block stage"><img id="scientist1" class="boss" src="resources/tempest.png" onclick="state.display(this.id, this);" onmouseover="jQuery('#stageName').text('scientist bruiser Tempest');" onmouseout="jQuery('#stageName').text('');"></div></html><<else>><html><div class="block stage complete"><img class="boss" src="resources/blank.png"></div></html><<endif>><html><div class="block"></div></html><<if $librarian neq true>><html><div class="block stage"><img id="librarian1" class="boss" src="resources/kasumi.png" onclick="state.display(this.id, this);" onmouseover="jQuery('#stageName').text('librarian ninja Kasumi');" onmouseout="jQuery('#stageName').text('');"></div></html><<else>><html><div class="block stage complete"><img class="boss" src="resources/blank.png"></div></html><<endif>><html><div class="block"></div></html><<if $scientist eq true AND $librarian eq true AND $witch eq true AND $crystal eq true>><html><div class="block stage"><img id="endless1" class="boss" src="resources/boss2.png" onclick="state.display(this.id, this);" onmouseover="jQuery('#stageName').text('The ENDLESS HORROR');" onmouseout="jQuery('#stageName').text('');"></div></html><<else>><html><div class="block stage notReady"><img class="boss" src="resources/boss.png"></div></html><<endif>><html><div class="block"></div></html><<if $witch neq true>><html><div class="block stage"><img id="witch1" class="boss" src="resources/astra.png" onclick="state.display(this.id, this);" onmouseover="jQuery('#stageName').text('witch dominatrix Astra');" onmouseout="jQuery('#stageName').text('');"></div></html><<else>><html><div class="block stage complete"><img class="boss" src="resources/blank.png"></div></html><<endif>><html><div class="block"></div></html><<if $crystal neq true>><html><div class="block stage"><img id="crystal1" class="boss" src="resources/fumaya.png" onclick="state.display(this.id, this);" onmouseover="jQuery('#stageName').text('crystal warrior Fumaya');" onmouseout="jQuery('#stageName').text('');"></div></html><<else>><html><div class="block stage complete"><img class="boss" src="resources/blank.png"></div></html><<endif>>\n<html><div id="stageName"></div></html>\n<html><div> </div></html>
"Kekeke, you lose! It's bye-bye for you!"\n\n[[Run!|StageSelect]]
It will be darker and darker. It is impossible to see your way through the dense mass of candy to hang around you all. Clicking sound of insects increases.\n\n[[Run!|witch2]]
Forest... tree is weighted down with candy. In the rustling undergrowth, the insects, the latter part of them, and sloshing syrup.\n\nTheir tusks click together with the sound of the metal. They will turn you into a jam.\n\n[[Continue to explore the forest|forest2]]\n[[Back to clearing|witch2]]
"The Hive Planet!! It's my dream to study such a person...!"\n\nThe scientist sits down.\n\n"My name is Tempest. And you are...?"\n\n[["I do not have a name. I am the Assimilagent."|scientist5]]
"Fascinating! Please, tell me more about your world..."\n\n[["Of course, I'll teach you."|scientist6]]\n[["Planet is under attack. There is no time."|underattack]]
You sit with Tempest for many hours...\n\nAfter learning about your world, she is curious.\n\n"This is the location of many scientific potential, to allow it to be destroyed can not be!"\n\n"I will come with you. [[I'll help you!|scientist7]]"
You extend the assimilation tube from the back of your neck.\n\n"A-ah... please, [[be gentle!|scientist8]]"
version.extensions["cyclinglinkMacro"]={major:3,minor:1,revision:1};macros.cyclinglink={handler:function(a,b,c){var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);\nl.className="internalLink cyclingLink";l.setAttribute("data-cycle",0);var v="";var end=false;\nif(c.length&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);c.shift();}if(c[c.length-1]=="end"){end=true;\nc.pop();}var h=state.history[0].variables;for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,"cyclingLink"+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");if(on){h[v]=c[ i ];\nl.setAttribute("data-cycle",i);}insertText(d,c[ i ]);l.appendChild(d);}l.onclick=function(){var t=this.childNodes;\nvar d="cyclingLink";var u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0;var m=t.length;if(end&&u==m-2){var n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]);\nn.className=d+"End";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this);return;}t[u].classList.toggle(d+"Enabled");\nt[u].classList.toggle(d+"Disabled");u=(u+1)%m;if(v){h[v]=c[u];}t[u].classList.toggle(d+"Enabled");\nt[u].classList.toggle(d+"Disabled");this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u);};},init:function(){addStyle(".cyclingLinkDisabled { display:none; } ");\n}};macros.cyclinglink.init();
You will be taken to the hideout of scientists.\n\nYou are surrounded by countless beaker, flicker equipment, and tools. Does not seem to house anyone.\n\n<<cyclinglink "Call out" "Nothing.">>\n\n[[Move around|scientist2]]\n\n<<timedinsert 1>><<stopallsound>><<endtimedinsert>>
You knock a beaker from the shelf accidentally.\n\n[[CRASSSSSH|scientist3]]
Mysteriously, the Scientist appears!!\n\n"Whoa! What are you doing in my lab?"\n\n[["Nice place you have here."|cantenter]]\n\n[["I'm Assimilagent from the Hive Planet. Would you be assimilated?"|scientist4]]\n
<<timedinsert 1>><html>\n <div>ENDLESS HORROR: <span id="horrorHealth"></span></div>\n <div>YOU: <span id="heroHealth"></span></div>\n \n <div id="playerControl">\n <label onmouseover="TheHero.showHint(this);" onmouseout="TheHero.updateHint();" onclick="TheHero.setAttack();"><input type="radio" name="attacks" value="3"/>TENTACLE WHIP</label><br/>\n <label onmouseover="TheHero.showHint(this);" onmouseout="TheHero.updateHint();" onclick="TheHero.setAttack();"><input type="radio" name="attacks" value="2"/>BRUISER FIST</label><br/>\n <label onmouseover="TheHero.showHint(this);" onmouseout="TheHero.updateHint();" onclick="TheHero.setAttack();"><input type="radio" name="attacks" value="1"/>NINJA KUNAI</label><br/>\n <label onmouseover="TheHero.showHint(this);" onmouseout="TheHero.updateHint();" onclick="TheHero.setAttack();"><input type="radio" name="attacks" value="0"/>WITCH BEAM</label><br/>\n <label onmouseover="TheHero.showHint(this);" onmouseout="TheHero.updateHint();" onclick="TheHero.setAttack();"><input type="radio" name="attacks" value="4"/>CRYSTAL DEFENDER</label><br/>\n <div id="playerControlHint"></div>\n \n <button id="heroAttack" onclick="attack();">Attack!</button>\n </div>\n \n <div id="battleLog"></div>\n <div id="battleFinish"></div>\n</html>\n<<startBattle>>\n<<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/boss.mp3">><<loopsound "http://mars.hitori.org/twine/assimil/resources/boss.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>
You complete the transmission of data. Tempest's body fall to the ground.\n\n[[Her soul and power will be added to yours...|scientistend]]
"Please be quiet in the library OH MY GOD!!"\n\nFor some reason, you were kicked out...\n\n<<timedgoto "StageSelect" 5 >>